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Open-sourcing PackBSP, 2.0.5 release

For the last week or two I’ve been cleaning up PackBSP‘s documentation and build process to get it ready for open-source hosting on GitHub. With everything important out in the open (including the jhllib and hl2parse libraries) I hope to avoid the type of abandonment that befell Pakrat. With luck, I’ll finally cut the ribbon sometime this week and simultaneously release version 2.0.5.

Version 2.0.5 is primarily bug-fixes, particularly to solve an issue where PackBSP won’t start up correctly on certain Windows installations.

If anybody already has a GitHub account, feel free to add or vote on the Issues Page in terms of what needs to be done next, but I’m currently thinking of support for parsing PCF files (custom particles) to determine what sprites or materials they depend-upon.

Posted in Programming.

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2 Responses

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  1. TG says

    Glad you’re still working hard on this. When do you think L4D/2 support will come?!

  2. Darien says

    I wasn’t thinking of it as much of a priority, mainly because L4D seems to have a different (and easier) way for people to create custom campaigns.

    Right now I’m guessing I’d need to write up some code that could detect the presence of the L4D/2 authoring tools, and instead of using packing files into the BSP they would need to be moved to some sort of addon subdirectory directory for campaigns. If someone was making a multi-map campaign, it would be up to re-run PackBSP on each mapfile and deal with possible ambiguities.