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Deus Ex, PackBSP progress

Still alive, working on PackBSP when not creatively-drained from work. I may end up skipping past a few version numbers to represent all the rewriting going on. Among other initiatives:

  • Some sort of system to handle packing multiple maps at once, in order to support the VPK/campaign workflow.
  • Per-game config files, allowing various features to be toggled on and off.
  • Foreign-language support. It’ll be possible for non-programmers to contribute translations.
  • Ability to manually create a per-map config file that specifies assets to include/exclude

On a lighter note, I went ahead and pre-ordered Deus Ex: Human Revolution, mainly on the strength of the favorable comments everyone who downloaded the leaked press-beta, but unfortunately it won’t be out until August. (And let’s face it, with a title like “I Wanted Orange” I pretty much had to.)

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